June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024Sustainability now plays a critical role in consumers’ purchasing decisions. Brands are swiftly rallying around sustainability and taking steps in this direction. Sustainable products and related services become distinctive for brands and add value to them.
So, what is the definition of sustainability, and why is it so important?
At its most basic level, we can define sustainability as meeting today’s needs without compromising the needs of future generations. However, we should consider it as a comprehensive definition, not only in terms of natural resources but also in terms of the sustainability of social and economic resources. Therefore, a brand being eco-friendly does not necessarily mean it is sustainable; social and economic criteria are equally important. A sustainable ecosystem, lifestyle, business model, or community supports itself and its surroundings. It is harmonious and compromising.
The motivation behind sustainability and why it is so important is a question to which everyone agrees on one point: leaving a livable world for future generations. The solution to all natural, social, and economic crises worldwide lies in creating sustainable systems that touch every aspect of life and industries, and each of us taking responsibility to support these systems.
Did you know that fashion is the second most polluting industry globally and responsible for 20% of global water pollution?
Moreover, over 20,000 toxic chemicals are still used in mass production facilities worldwide. Most garments are made with synthetic materials containing plastics, and the microplastics they contain contribute to pollution in the oceans, which cannot be cleaned. This is why we believe that fashion sustainability is critically important primarily for these reasons. However, sustainable fashion also means better working conditions and fair wages for the workers who make the garments.
So, what makes a fashion brand sustainable?
Using Sustainable Materials: Materials containing harmful chemical components like polyester and its derivatives are detrimental to both humans and the environment. Therefore, brands should prefer natural and recycled materials. However, we would like to remind you that cotton, the most widely used natural material globally, is not a sustainable option. In many parts of the world, excessive irrigation of cotton fields leads to the drying up of rivers and lakes. While choosing natural materials, it is essential to repeatedly question their sustainability for various reasons.
Consuming Natural Resources Economically: We especially want to emphasize the importance of using minimal water here. Producing one cotton T-shirt consumes a whopping 2,700 liters of water. This is equivalent to filling your bathtub 30 times with water. In addition to excessive water consumption, the toxic chemicals from the production process quickly contaminate waterways, causing water pollution. Sustainable brands now set limits on water usage in their production and prefer not to use materials that require excessive water.
Not Harming Animals During Production: The role of animals in the ecosystem is unique for the livability of our planet. Therefore, both for this reason and ethically not harming any living creature during production is essential for sustainable fashion brands. Bags, boots, and other items made from fur, leather, feathers, and wool often have harmful effects on the animal populations from which the materials are sourced. Some endangered species like the Sumatran tiger and American alligator are still hunted for making clothes. Animals are constantly confronted with the wild side of fashion.
Reducing Carbon Footprint: Brands that produce with traditional methods due to fast fashion produce excessive waste, consume water, use labor-intensive and toxic materials, and transport materials and products over long distances, dramatically increasing their carbon footprint. Sustainable brands tend to favor local production, source local materials, and support local labor. These businesses not only strengthen local economies but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the planet more sustainable by eliminating the need for intensive transportation.
Providing Good Working Conditions and Fair Wages: Fast fashion brands maintain their popularity by producing trendy products and keeping their prices as low as possible. However, this low cost of clothing means long working hours, poor safety and health conditions, constant production pressure, and worker exploitation for fashion workers.
Sustainable brands, on the other hand, do not shy away from taking responsibility to provide healthy physical and economic conditions for their employees.
Developing an Environmentally Friendly Waste Management Plan: Did you know that every second, a truckload of clothes is discarded and ends up in the soil? Fast fashion is, of course, the main culprit. Because brands that can produce products with this system at very low prices, and consumers who can obtain these products at low prices, do not value these products. The economic contribution of correct waste management to the environment and the brand cannot be denied. Especially when we consider that a retail brand discards approximately 15% of its stock every year, how the brand manages this 15% becomes a critical issue.
We want to remind you that every step brands and consumers take as part of the Sustainable Fashion Movement will have significant positive consequences for the environment and people.
If you want to prevent your brand’s unsold products from being discarded and becoming part of the transformation, you can contact us